Southwind 4-H Events Snapshot
Want to see what's coming up "at a glance"? Here's a list of events that happen every year in our district - just check back for specific dates.
District and Local Events
4-H Day: This is a competitive event that allows 4-H members to demonstrate how to organize and present thoughts and ideas through project talks, demonstrations, illustrated talks and public speaking presentations. Other competitive events open to 4-H members include novelty/talent events such as dance, vocal music, instrumental music and skit/play.
- Register for District 4-H Day Here
Click HERE for the official guidelines for both District and Regional 4-H Day.
4-H Day will be held Saturday, February 1, 2025 from 8:00 A.M. to Noon with all check-in by 11:30 A.M. at Marmaton Valley Schools, Moran, KS. All entries are due BY Friday, January 17, 2025 at 4:00 P.M.
Helpful resources can be found at The schedule and program can be found HERE . The map for the day's activities can be found HERE .
4-H Day Results 2025
4-H Day Horticulture Judging Contest Results 2025
4-H Day Entomology Judging Contest Results 2025
4-H Day FCS Judging Junior Divion Results 2025
4-H Day FCS Judging Intermediate Division Results 2025
4-H Day FCS Judging Senior Division Results 2025
Regional 4-H Day: This is a regional level 4-H Day for Southwind 4-H members who qualify to attend from their ranking at District 4-H Day. Regional 4-H Day will be Saturday, February 22, 2025 at Neosho Community College. All eligible participants will receive an email invitation to confirm attendance. The program can be found SOON!
4-H Camps: 4-H Camps are a great way for youth to experience new activities and make new friends.
- Greenbush 4-H Adventure Camp is for members ages 7 to 9. A Greenbush 4-H favorite is the special Greenbush S'Mores! There's also astronomy, archery, canoeing, and other educational activities. Camp is June 9th & 10th, 2025. The cost is $85. Checks should be made to Southwind Extension District, and both payment and forms can be delivered to your local extension office by May 1st. Call 620-223-3720 if you have questions. Registration opens March 7, 2025 at Noon. Register HERE! Necessary forms are Participant Information and Medication Form.
- Southwind 4-H Day Camp: 4-H Day Camp is open to all youth ages 7-12, so bring a friend! We'll enjoy the day playing games, preparing a healthy snack, create crafts and have a day of educational learning. This camp event is typically held in June.
- Greenbush 4-H Day Camp: Ages 10-13. June 18, 2025. The cost is $25. Registration opens March 7, 2025 at Noon. Register HERE!
Achievement Recognition: Each county holds this annual event to honor 4-H members and leaders. Membership pins, Key Awards, Project Awards, and more are given during this event. Everyone involved in 4-H, as well as community leaders, are encouraged to attend. 4-H'ers can receive awards by filling out their record books.
Southeast Area Judging Opportunities:
- Youth Challenge Day: A Regional competition day that includes Favorite Foods, FCS, Horticulture, Photography and Crops JUdging Contests. This event is typically held in June.
- Livestock Judging Contests: Meats judging contest, livestock judging contest and livestock skillathon contest held at Allen County Fairgrounds typically in June. Open to all 4-H youth ages 7-18.
- Favorite Foods Show: The Favorite Food Show is a great way to learn about proper table settings, planning a menu, and sharing important information with a judge. This event is typically held in June.
District Skate Party: A fun, holiday break district social hosted by the Allen County 4-H Council for all Southwind 4-H members and their families.
State and National Yearly Events
Citizenship In Action: Held in February, for youth ages 13-18 - Would you like to have more influence in laws and rules that affect your life? Then you’ll want to go to Kansas 4-H Citizenship in Action! The purpose of the event is for Kansas youth to learn how the state legislative process works and how their voice and participation in decision-making can make a difference in their local communities. The legislative visit will not only familiarize youth with the capitol building, but will also show them how they can affect the legislative process. This two day event is sponsored by the State 4-H Youth Leadership Council.
Citizenship Washington Focus: Road trip across the USA stopping to see Philadelphia, Gettysburg, the Liberty Bell and more! Meet, learn, share and tour with youth from other states and respected resource people. Visit Capitol Hill, government departments, historic sites, and memorials. Get a close-up view of political process through visits to Capitol Hill. Meet with the Kansas Congressional and Senate delegations to discuss legislative issues. Participate in workshops and assembly groups to learn life skills and discuss possible solutions to domestic and international problems. Interact with 4-H members from other states, learning and sharing about 4-H and other interests and issues.
Discovery Days: Last week of May/First week of June, for youth ages 13-18 -Discovery Days offers classes and tours about 4-H projects, careers, hobbies, community service and more!
Dog Conference and Quiz Bowl:
Geology Field Trip:
Horse Panorama:
Insect Spectacular:
Kansas Junior Livestock Show:
Kansas State Fair: H eld the second through the third weekend of September - Kansas 4-H projects provide members positive ways to learn as they complete their projects. Fairs are also one way to exhibit and showcase what skills 4-H members have learned throughout the year.
Kansas Youth Leadership Forum (KYLF): Held in November full weekend before Thanksgiving, for youth ages 14-18 - Come and build your leadership skills and potential through workshops, consulting groups, inspirational speakers and more.
Livestock Sweepstakes: Must meet local judging requirements to attend.
Photography Shutterbugs:
Rock Springs 4-H Camp:
Shooting Sports Matches: