Personal Financial Resources

No one is born with natural money management skills. You may have learned some money management skills from your family, but you may want to manage your finances differently than your parents did. You also may have learned some money management skills at school or through life experiences. Developing good money management skills takes time, practice, and patience.

You might want to read "Essential Living Skills: Money Management", a helpful publication that teaches budgeting and banking basics, as well as record keeping.

Behind on Bills?

When bills are piling up, it's important to remember that you're still in control. While you are ultimately responsible for paying all of your bills on time, there are things you can do if you fall behind. You can read or copy and print this "Your Money, Your Goals" tool published by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The booklet has lots of helpful information and forms to track your income and expenditures.

If you're behind on your rent, the Kansas Emergency Rental Assistance (KERA) may be able to help:


Credit Report

A credit report includes information on where you live, how you pay your bills, and whether you've been sued or have filed for bankruptcy. You should check to make sure the information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

Credit report resources:

Know Your Credit Fact Sheet

Annual Credit Report

Credit Score vs. Report

Financial Management

Financial Check-up

Spending Plan

Spending Record

Valuable Records

Dogs,Cats and Birds, Oh My! Factoring Pet Costs into a Family Budget

Supermarket Savings Tips

Kansas Saves Program

Avoiding Identity Theft

Today’s technology leaves the door open for intrusions from the ever-crafty marketers and even criminals. This program and tools will cover some of the common approaches to the invasions of our personal privacy.

Consumers Beware: Avoiding Identity Theft and Scams

  • For pdf slides of the Consumers Beware: Avoiding Identity Theft and Scams click here.

How to Avoid a Scam

Identity Theft: What to Know, What to Do

Helpful Financial Links