Emergency Preparedness

Emergencies can occur any time, any where. Although some emergencies come out of nowhere, others can be prepared for, lessening the stress of recovery. Having an Emergency Supply kit available is helpful for any emergency. A list with suggestions by the American Red Cross and FEMA is available here. Click on a picture below to learn tips for that specific emergency.

fire flood

storm heat


As more and more of us rely on our smart phones to keep us in touch and up-to-date with the world we live in, having an emergency alert app is a good idea. Here are two to consider that are compatible with both Android and Apple phones: FEMA app and Code Red app. It's always wise to research apps before installing them on your phone to determine what best meets your needs.

Other Helpful Links:

Volunteer and Donate Responsibly

  • Financial contributions are the most efficient method of donating. Funds allow the most flexibility in obtaining the needed resources, at the correct time and moves money into the local economy to help business recover. Remember, unsolicited donated goods such as used clothing, miscellaneous household items, and mixed or perishable foodstuffs require helping agencies to redirect valuable resources away from providing services to sort, package, transport, warehouse, and distribute items that may not meet the needs of disaster survivors.
  • Donate through a trusted organization. At the national level, many voluntary, faith and community based organizations are active during disasters, and are a trusted way to donate to disaster survivors.

Helpful Links:

Emergency Management Links and Phone Numbers: