Your Home

Clean, Sanitize, or Disinfect?

The answer may surprise you! Find it here.

Make sure that you follow label directions closely. More information can be found in this news article.

It is also important to note that you do not need to sanitize groceries after bringing them home from the store. Wash your hands when you get home from the store, and again after putting your groceries away. And ALWAYS wash your hands prior to preparing food.

Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer

Use this recipe from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published by NC Extension

Prepare Your Home

People should prepare their homes in the event of an infection that would result in a 2-week quarantine. There is no need to stockpile more than you would need for two weeks. Alabama A&M and Auburn Universities Extension has these suggestions:


Store a two-week supply of water and food. Be sure to have an adequate supply of infant formula and other foods needed for family members with specific dietary requirements. Canned foods, bottled water, and shelf-stable milk are good choices.

General Household Items

  • Toilet paper
  • Paper towels
  • Dish ad laundry detergent
  • Hand soap
  • Bleach, liquid, and wipes
  • First aid supplies
  • Toiletry items such as toothbrushes/paste, contact lens solution, denture supplies, feminine products, and deoderant
  • Garbage bags
  • Facial tissues
  • Pet supplies including food, medications, and litter


  • Prescription medicines. Fill any prescriptions as soon as they are eligible to ensure that you have an ample supply to last through a two-week quarantine. Contact your pharmacist to help with the timing of your orders to ensure that you have enough medicine on hand.
  • Over-the-counter items such as pain relievers, antidiarrheal medicine, cough suppressants, or any routine items your family uses.

Items for Children

For babies and infants

  • Formula
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Bottles
  • Powdered formula
  • Milk
  • Baby food


  • Activity/coloring books
  • Age and reading level appropriate books


  • Board games
  • Card games
  • Puzzles

As you prepare your home and family for the possibility of a quarantine, remember to check on family members and neighbors who may need assistance with preparations.

In Case You Missed It - News Releases

Use Caution With Household Disinfectants

Joy Miller
Southwind District Extension Agent, Adult Development and Aging & Family Resource Management
Fort Scott Office
Phone: 620-223-3720


Barbara Stockebrand

Southwind Extension District Agent, Adult Development and Aging
Yates Center Office
Phone: 620-625-8620