Your Farm, Crops, and Livestock
If there's one word that also accompanies today's buzzwords of Covid-19 and social distancing, it's uncertainty. Coronavirus has wreaked havoc on the economy, including agriculture. Stress levels based on farm management are on the rise. Farmers need accurate information to survive this crisis. The resources listed below should be helpful.
The Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network (NMPAN) runs a listserv for folks involved with meat and poultry proccessing. Register here.
The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program provides direct relief to farmers and ranchers impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. The deadline to apply has been extended to September 11. Learn more at : A wealth of information is on this website, including Crop Insurance, Farm Loan, and Commodity Loan Flexibilities, Crop Acreage Reporting, Animal Mortality, and more.
Kansas Center for Sustainable Agriculture & Alternative Crops

Does COVID-19 Continue to Impact Your Agricultural Operation?
Signup for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program2 (CFAP 2) began on September 21, 2020, and will continue through Dec. 11, 2020. CFAP 2 provides eligible producers with direct financial assistance due to market disruptions and associated costs because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Eligible commodities for CFAP 2 include row crops, wool, livestock, specialty livestock, dairy, specialty crops, floriculture and nursery crops, aquaculture, broilers and eggs, and tobacco.
CFAP 2 is a separate program from the first round of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, now referred to as CFAP 1. Farmers and ranchers who participated in CFAP 1 will NOT be automatically enrolled and must complete a new application for CFAP 2.
Additional information can be found on the website: